Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!!!

We make decisions everyday of our life. What will I wear today? What route do I take to work? Which bill gets paid first? What do I need from the grocery store? Which movie do I watch? Etc. etc. etc! You see, decisions are just a part of life.

I am the father of an almost 10 year old! Wow, where did the time go? Everyday, I try to be the “super dad”. In other words the best that I can be! I think I do a decent job. Anyway, the one thing I have tried to do, even before I knew we were expecting, was to be the dad that was there for him.

I want to be the father that is there when my child makes a choice. If a bad choice is made, I want to pick him up, dust him off, and talk about what we learned from the experience. When he makes a good choice, I want to be there to rejoice and celebrate his decisions. You see, I know where my son is heading before he gets there.

Why? Because I have walked that path before. I know how hard that brick wall is when you hit it at 60 mph! I know the damage that can occur when bad choices are made. But would I be doing an injustice by making those decisions for him? Probably!

I believe it’s the same with weight loss. Would I be doing an injustice to you if I told you what to eat everyday? Probably! That is why we give advice. That is why we share what we have eaten the day before. It gives people who are new to this sport some examples to live by. Will I ever tell you what to eat? No I won’t, that’s not my job. See your Nut for that one!

I will share with you though! I will share experiences that have succeeded as well as failed. I will try new things, just as you will. I believe we are here for a reason. We are here for SUPPORT!!! Support in our endeavors. Support in our failures. Support in our successes.

This is a mantra that I have long lived by, and I think it fits well right here at the Tennessee Board:

Give a man a fish and feed him dinner. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime! We’re teachers…you, me, and that person sitting there reading this post!

Have a great day!


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