Tuesday, September 30, 2008

UNCLE !!!!!

After much thought and consideration, I have to decided it was time to speak out! In other words, do you remember the game you use to play as kids...the one where your older brother would torture you until you uttered that magic word...UNCLE!!!

Well, it's time I said UNCLE, enough is enough, time to give up, put it to bed, the fat lady is singing! You could use whatever little saying you like. It's time to speak up!

For the last week several of my friends have been at odds over a petty and minute incident. Now the incident in question does not matter. The he said, she said does not matter. The post that have been flying back and forth does not matter.

What matters? Let me tell you. You are what matters! By you, I mean the person on the other end of this computer who is reading theses post! For the new people that stumble across this support mechanism, you are what matters. You came here for a reason. Maybe someone suggested this really cool website where the people really care about you. Maybe they told you that there are some neat people who really know what support is all about. Perhaps your Dr. or the seminar you attended said, Hey check this out! For some reason, you are here, and because of that...YOU MATTER!!!!!

For the person who is jumping through the insurance hoops, this is a great place to help you on the journey. For the group of people who have just been approved, this place will guide you when you ask those panicky questions that arises in the middle of the night like, "OMG what do I need to have at home after surgery". For the post op, this is a place that has a wealth of knowledge on protein and what you can eat. For the veterans, you can find that support that only comes from someone who has walked the path before you. For those who are going through plastic surgery, you can find out what it feels like to wear that binder afterwords!

So you see, this board is all about you. It's not about me, it's about you. It's about what the board can offer you. I am truly caught in the middle, both physically and emotionally. I consider all those that are involved in this charade friends! Answers.com defines friends as:

1) A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
2) A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
3) A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
4) One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement:

That is what I consider each and every one of you...friends! And I don't want to change that.

So, therefore, I scream UNCLE! Stop twisting words, stop stirring the pot,
Let's get back to being what we are...an on-line support group for you, not me!!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Gas-x to the rescue

I haven't been posting a lot lately. I don't really know why except it's the same ole thing...life gets in the way! Who knows?

Any-who, it seems Nashville is being hit right now with a gas crisis! We have none!!!!! Or at least it seems that way. On Friday afternoon, Beth called to say I needed to get gas ...quickly! She said I would not believe the lines that were forming around gas stations that had gas. Now, earlier in the day, I was told the same thing by a person a work, but I just shrugged it off.

So, here I go at 4:00 in the afternoon to get gas. As if a weight loss surgery patient needs anymore gas, wink wink! Yeah, on with the story. I could not believe my eyes. Everywhere I went around my house was closed! The convenience marts that sell gas, looked liked an island with palm trees waving on a white sandy, empty beach!

I drove for about 4 miles while constantly watching the gas gage slowly inch below the "E" . On no, I'm gonna run out and be stuck miles from home. At least now I could walk, right? Then all of the sudden, my truck topped a small rise in the road and came to a screeching halt. There were cars everywhere. The problem, they were PARKED in the middle of a 6 lane road waiting for gas! That's right, our main road in East Nashville looked like a football game at Titans stadium on a Sunday afternoon!

I knew I could not wait in that line, for fear of running out of petrol! So I headed home, trying all the time to figure out how I was going to get gas.

On Saturday, it was the same situation. We had to travel for RJ's football game, and every gas station that had gas reminded me of a convention of angry people. They were yelling at each other, cutting each other off, and using the international sign language for "up yours"! What has society come to?

I felt like this was the end, was I going to have to walk to work on Monday morn? The way it was looking, most likely! Finally I decided to give up for the moment and concentrate on a solution. The idea that popped in my head...wait until 2:00 a.m. and go find gas. I knew of an all-night truck stop close to home that might be able to supply me the unleded petroleum that I might need. Guess what? It worked! But at 2:00 a.m., there as still a line of like minded people trying to beat the madness. But at least I got gas, and everyone was cordial and happy. Unusual!!!!!

Now, the funny thing...as if this is not funny enough! We attended a new church yesterday. The topic was "Miracles that come in the darkness". How appropriate! But that's another post for another time!

Have a good day!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I've been tagged!

How did that happen? I have been tagged in the past, but have never participated in them. So, I guess I will give this one a try.

1. Where was I 10 years ago?
Right here in Nashville. In fact, my wife says I will probably die here in Nashville. she has tried to get me to move several times, but to no avail. Why should I move? I'm happy here!

2. What was on my to-do list today?
To rest!!!! If you so my previous post on "It never fails..." you know how busy I've been. So, todays "to do list" included getting some rest. Did it happen? No!!! My father-in-law had computer problems and I have been over here for 2 hours so far working on it. Probably will end up re-formating the hard drive and starting from scracth. Hopefully this will teach him not to download all the crap! In fact, I am responding to this meme while I download a diagnostic program. Oh, and like Jeri Kay said..."Watch Big Brother"!

3. What would I do if I were a billionaire?
Pay all my bills, buy a new house and car, and go to Hawaii!

4. Five places I've lived
Nashville, Nashville, Nashville, Nashville, Nashville. See my previous answer (#1)

5. Bad Habits
Spending too much time on the computer and not doing real work. Mindless munching!

So, who do I tag next? Let me think...

Slowing down and enjoying life...

...or at least trying!

Once a month I get together with several weight loss surgery patients for lunch. The Lunch Bunch has been a very important part of my success at weight loss. This group of friends taught me that you will be able to eat after surgery. They taught me compassion for my fellow man/woman. And most importantly, they taught me to enjoy life as it is.

This month I went by myself. Beth was working all day preparing for a big conference here in town, and RJ was at a birthday party for a fellow football player. So, yesterday I was solo. I must say I behaved myself. My wife would have been proud!

For at least once a month, I can slow down and enjoy the finer things in life...friends!

Here are a few pics from different Lunch Bunch gatherings! If you are ever in Nashville on the 2nd Saturday of the month, let me know. You are my than welcome to join our little gathering of Losers!

Morning Ya'll...9 month update!

Just wanted to drop in and give everyone an update on my journey!

I have officially made it to my goal, not my Doc's goal mind you. As of this morning, I am at 195 pounds! That is a total loss of 170 pounds form beginning to end! I am tickled PINK (at this weight, I will wear my crown and tutu just for you Bob!!!!) with those numbers. My doc has suggested 180 pounds as my goal, and we will see what the next few weeks bring. As far as I'm concerned, if I can maintain 195, I am thrilled!

I've mentioned these facts before, but I think they warrant telling them again:

At my heaviest:
BMI- 46.8 (extremely obese)
Shirt size - 4X
Waist - 54 inches

Current Stats:
wgt - 195
BMI - 25 (overweight by .1)
Shirt - Medium
Waist - 36 inches

What a ride! For those who are contemplating the journey, all I can say is it's been worth it! For those that have taken the plunge and are struggling...breathe, it will get better! And for my friends who have led the way

......THANK YOU !!!!!!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

The many faces of RJ !

It never fails...

...All of the sudden, life catches up with you and some things just get pushed to the side!

Work, home, church, work, children, spouse, work! These are the things in my life that take up a lot of my time. Would I change anything? In a loud and firm voice, I say


The thing that gets pushed to the side...my blog! Bald is beautiful is my place to come and hide when things get outrageous. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to hide lately! For that, I am sorry, cause I need to hide and refill the cup every once in a while.

Every morning, I take time to catch up by reading my blog buddies daily recaps. Every day I say I am going to recap my antics from the previous day, but it does not happen!

Oh well...life in it's grandest form continues! For that I am grateful! Without life, I would lead a very dull and un-rewarding form of existence! Sometimes I read what I have just typed and think "What was that"?

Anyway, here's a summary of this last week:

Saturday: Took RJ to the emergency room with a sprained elbow from the football game. He's the one with his arm pushed backward (#53) !

Sunday: Watched a fight between 3 people over when, how, who, and why homework needed to be done! Oh, yeah, at what point would I be called to pick up my son from juvenile detention and how much my bail would be from jail, cause that's where I'm heading if things don't calm down!

Monday and Wednesday: 17 hour days are H**L !!!!

Tuesday: Too tired from Monday, can't remember!

Thursday: Went to work, slept during quiet time in the afternoon (which there was very little of)and argued with my belligerent Pre-teen over cleaning up his room!

Friday: Yeah, it's the beginning of the weekend and I'm paying $5 a gallon for the same gas I paid $3.40 a gallon at the start of the week! Duh!!!!

Saturday: Starting all over again!

I know this is a long post, but this is my life and I would have it no other way!

Blessing and prayers to my brothers and sisters in the path of Ike!!!!!

Have a great day, I'm gonna hide and try!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Walk From Obesity 2008

The Walk From Obesity is fast approaching. Are you ready! If not, you can sign up at this website. Also, please click on the logo above to hear one of my best friends (Shelia Bess) talk about weight loss as well as the Walk From Obesity!

Bryan G. Woodward Walk from Obesity For Children's Health

Walk Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008

Walk Location: Centennial Park

Nashville, Tennessee

Time - 10:00 a.m.

Presented By: Albert T. Spaw, MD, FACS

Event Leaders: Sheila L. Bess

Walkers: You may seek pledges using the online tools after registration. To collect pledges in person, a printable pledge form is available here.

Event Sponsors: Please contact Shelia L. Bess directly for local Walk sponsorship information and opportunities.

For more information, or to volunteer your services for the Walk, please contact:

Sheilia L. Bess nashvillewfo@yahoo.com

I am sick and tired of...

...of being told I look sick!

When I was morbidly obese, no one ever told me to my face that I looked bad! (At least to my face!) Now I know I did, because I felt bad. I know I smelled, no matter how much I scrubbed. I know my clothes did not fit correctly, because I had no one in my life to tell me how to shop. You know, I was not in the best of health. But I was not sickly looking!

Now that I have lost weight, all I hear is, "WOW, you don't need to lose anymore, you look like you're sick!" I have been told that my bones are protruding and it looks disgusting. I have been told I must have cancer because I am gaunt and my face look this and frail. I have been asked if the surgery was sucessful, because you look like death! Now that I have lost weight and started to finally feel better, people feel it's OK to talk about me to my face. What gives?

You know what? I feel better than I ever have! I feel like I am at the best physical shape I have been in my life. I started to say years, but I have never felt as good as I do now!So, for all the haters out there, this is for you...


Sorry, that was my Sunday Soap Box I was on!
I hope each and every one of you have a blessed day!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

I've finally done it!

That's right, I've finally done it! I have officially branded myself! Other people have done it in the past. I just could not fathom going that extra mile. but I decided it was time. So, here it is...

No longer will you have to type in the blogspot in the address. No longer will you have to search for rjsdad7798! I will be personally known as Bald Is Beautiful!

Now I'm right up there with the greats! Like Melinda over at http://www.recoveringfatty.com/, or Beth at http://www.meltingmama.com/, or Michelle that resides at http://www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.com/.

So, update your bookmarks and remember it will be easier to find me. I'm at:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Stressed mothers may raise fat children

I thought this was a great little article. Although stress does play a big part in overeating (for some), it's not the only thing.

My mother, who passed away in '85, did all she could when it came to cooking, but she did not do enough. It seems everything I remember about her food was grease and fat.

When it came to cooking, all I remember is Mama throwing in some lard! There was lard in everything.

Could she have done more, probably, but some of the fault must lie with me! I was the fat kid who hung out in his room reading and eating. I was the fat kid who would sneak food at night. I was the fat kid who hid food under his bed. Yes, that's right, I was the fat kid!

I'm just blessed to be able to try and reverse that thought now. My family is trying, but I know we can do better! Starting with what we bring into the home! Hopefully the trend of childhood obesity can be turned around...one home at a time!

Stressed mothers may raise fat children: study
By Michael Conlon, Reuters
Tue Sep 2, 12:07 AM EDT

Millions of poor children in the United States may be getting fat before age 10 because their mothers are stressed out and the youngsters seek escape in unhealthy comfort food, researchers said on Tuesday.

The stress is rooted in poverty and can be brought on by money woes, work loads, insufficient health insurance and other factors, said Craig Gundersen of the University of Illinois, who led the study.

"People will eat in response to feeling stress," he said in a telephone interview, and in this case children may be eating more in response to stress-related trouble at home.

The findings show there is a need for a firm social safety net for poor families with protections such as food stamps; better financial education to help people better manage money; and adequate health insurance coverage, he said.

Gundersen and colleagues at Iowa State University and Michigan State University looked at data on 841 children in families living below the poverty line who were part of a government nutrition survey conducted from 1999 to 2002.

"We found that the cumulative stress experienced by the child's mother is an important determinant of child overweight," the research team reported in a study published in the September issue of Pediatrics.

Children in stressed homes where there was plentiful food were more likely to be overweight or obese than those living in stressed situations where food was scarce, they added, because while both were reacting to stress, the former group had food available in which to find refuge.

"Children in food-secure households may have a greater ability to consume more 'comfort foods,' which are often unhealthy, in response to the (stress) they experience," they wrote.

Because most American children do not live in settings where food is scarce, the findings on maternal stress "may be an important factor for children in the United States who are overweight or obese," they concluded.

"Our findings are particularly relevant for children between the ages of 3 and 10," the researchers wrote, because older children can find release outside the home through friends or work.
An estimated 17 percent of U.S. children between the ages of 2 and 19 are obese and another 16 percent are overweight.

"A number of mothers in this study suffer from at least one symptom of depression and anxiety.

By providing these women with relevant medical care and counseling, these symptoms may be alleviated with the further indirect benefit of reducing childhood overweight," the researchers wrote.

(Editing by Maggie Fox)

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