Monday, September 22, 2008

Gas-x to the rescue

I haven't been posting a lot lately. I don't really know why except it's the same ole gets in the way! Who knows?

Any-who, it seems Nashville is being hit right now with a gas crisis! We have none!!!!! Or at least it seems that way. On Friday afternoon, Beth called to say I needed to get gas ...quickly! She said I would not believe the lines that were forming around gas stations that had gas. Now, earlier in the day, I was told the same thing by a person a work, but I just shrugged it off.

So, here I go at 4:00 in the afternoon to get gas. As if a weight loss surgery patient needs anymore gas, wink wink! Yeah, on with the story. I could not believe my eyes. Everywhere I went around my house was closed! The convenience marts that sell gas, looked liked an island with palm trees waving on a white sandy, empty beach!

I drove for about 4 miles while constantly watching the gas gage slowly inch below the "E" . On no, I'm gonna run out and be stuck miles from home. At least now I could walk, right? Then all of the sudden, my truck topped a small rise in the road and came to a screeching halt. There were cars everywhere. The problem, they were PARKED in the middle of a 6 lane road waiting for gas! That's right, our main road in East Nashville looked like a football game at Titans stadium on a Sunday afternoon!

I knew I could not wait in that line, for fear of running out of petrol! So I headed home, trying all the time to figure out how I was going to get gas.

On Saturday, it was the same situation. We had to travel for RJ's football game, and every gas station that had gas reminded me of a convention of angry people. They were yelling at each other, cutting each other off, and using the international sign language for "up yours"! What has society come to?

I felt like this was the end, was I going to have to walk to work on Monday morn? The way it was looking, most likely! Finally I decided to give up for the moment and concentrate on a solution. The idea that popped in my head...wait until 2:00 a.m. and go find gas. I knew of an all-night truck stop close to home that might be able to supply me the unleded petroleum that I might need. Guess what? It worked! But at 2:00 a.m., there as still a line of like minded people trying to beat the madness. But at least I got gas, and everyone was cordial and happy. Unusual!!!!!

Now, the funny if this is not funny enough! We attended a new church yesterday. The topic was "Miracles that come in the darkness". How appropriate! But that's another post for another time!

Have a good day!


Susy September 22, 2008 at 9:05 AM  

wow... a fist fight over gas. Who started that story. I saw it on the news. have a great week Scott.

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