Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Support and Recipes !

Once a month I attend a WLS support group held at Baptist Hospital here in Nashville. This is something that I truly love! Not only for the support that is there, but because of the spirit, friendship and compassion that the group leader has!

Paula (the support group moderator), is probably one of th nicest people you will ever meet! She has a way about her that automatically makes you feel welcome! Her personality just overflows with a sugar free sweetness that is beyond compare! It's almost like being in the same room with Paula Deen, but with less butter!

Last nights topic was Holiday Stress and ways to avoid it. One of the things that I suffer from is "stress eating". When the going gets tough, the tough wants to eat. So it was nice to listen and learn from a group that understands the disabilities that effect me!

Paula and her able bodied assistant Freddie ( another one of my close WLS peeps), served us food last night that no one would know was sugar free and a little healthier for us! Let's see, we had Sugar Free Egg Nog, Triple Layer Pumpkin Pie, and Sugar Free Pecan Pie. The purpose of this meeting was to show us ways we could sit down at a holiday table and still enjoy those once in a blue moon treats with our family.

We were also provided with a handout that gave me good articles to read, as well as links to some recipes that we could make for Thanksgiving or Christmas!

Paula also included a link to my blog because of the recipes that I have posted. Now, a lot of these recipes are not created by me, but ones that have been tried by me and my wife. We also include recipes that friends around the world have sent to us. Here is the link to my recipe blog, and the recipe index:

You can also find this link on the left hand column of this blog:
I hope everyone enjoys the recipes and if you ever need anything, leave a comment here with your email address and I'll get back to ya!
Have a great day!

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