~ Transformers ~
If you could see a glimpse of who you were 12 years ago, and compare it to who you are now...would you see a change?
These people mean so much to me. They were a part of who I was, before I became a husband, a father, and who I am now. I've worshiped, prayed, ate, played...you could name it! These friends were my family!
Have they changed? With a resounding answer I say NO! Have I changed? Maybe physically. But I am still the same person that I was then. It was the same as last week with the Santa suit. Once I put the suit on, I was Santa, maybe not as heavy as I was , but I was still Santa!
I guess the point of this post is this...As we (weight loss surgery patients) go through the transformations of who we are becoming, make sure you take the old person with you. Leave the fat guy behind, but take your personality, your laughter, your spiritual well being with you!
What did I learn from this weekends Christmas party? I'm not as young as I once was! In days past, this group has been known to roll the Pastors house, steal Halloween decorations from friends yards and hold them ransom, eat live gold fish, stuff 38 marshmallows in their mouth at one time (that's a whole nother post...right Michelle?). You name it, we did it, all in the name of good, clean, fun!
What was different this year? We all had children, and we had to leave a lot earlier than we did before! LOL!!! It was evident we missed quite a few from this bunch, and they were truly missed! I can't wait to see some of them as they travel in from Louisiana for the Christmas holidays!
Oh yeah, the picture at the top of the page is from Beth and I's second date. It was at Greg's house on Halloween of 1995. It was also the same house we were at Saturday night! The other is the Christmas pic we had done this year!
So, have I changed...only with age!
Oh that's right! HA! I had forgotten all about the yard signs and TP-ing!!! Those were some GREAT times! ha ha ha.
And thanks for the "shameFUL plug". 38 jumbo sized marshmallows at once. Wow. What was I thinking??? Ha ha.
You have most definitely changed your outward appearance in the years we have known each other. But on the inside, you are still (and always will be), "Daddy Scott".
Thanks for all the memories.
Merry CHRISTmas! :o)
sorry we missed the fun... i guess we'll just have to pass the TP-ing baton to our kids. i know i personally have several who would be all about the TP. :) oh, wait, we were adults. somehow it would just be obnoxious if kids did it. haha oh, the double standard!
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