Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'm OK, Are You?

Once again I come to the bloggin world dragging an apology behind my sorry butt!

No excuses this time, just a simple sorry for being away so long! Everything is fine in Scottland, just busy! I sometimes wonder if I was this busy when I was fat? Or did the excess weight just slow me down and I've always been busy? Who knows!

Work has kept me going lately. Not that there's anymore than normal. With the economic crisis at hand, it seems I am doing all I can to stay afloat. No problems financially, just trying to get every ounce of juice from the turnip that I can!

I've kinda stepped away from a support group that I have been involved in. If you've been around a while, you know how important support is for me! Not just on the receiving end, but also on the giving end. In the beginning of my journey, several people accepted me for who
I was, who I am, and who I'm becoming. Acceptance and the caliber and quality of the support that was being given was the key. Here lately though, I don't feel as if I or they had anything to offer!

Obesity Help is still near and dear to my heart, and always will be. I'm thinking though it's time to move on. Time to continue to grow and stretch my boundaries. See what is hiding behind that wall of support that I have so car fully built up around me! That is a scary thing though. Scary because you don't know what or who is lurking out there waiting on ya! Will I completely abandon that sanctuary of support, probably not. But I won't be as evident with my presence as before.

I guess I'm just tired, that's all. It seems working 2 jobs will do that to ya, or at least that what everyone keeps telling me.

Changing subjects here...I have a question for my bloggin friends! When you started your blog, did you ever think you would be put in the publics eye as you were? It amazes me that through my blog, I have Friends (people I've never met, but consider dear friends!) all over the world. This week alone, I have received 12 emails asking if I was OK? I want to personally THANK those people for that. Yes, I'm OK!

No promises, but I will try to keep up my friend here, this entity that I call Bald-Is-Beautiful"! I'm still here, just hiding in the wings, waiting for that moment to emerge from my temporary exile!

Hang tough and have a good day!


Melinda March 10, 2009 at 7:53 AM  

When I started my blog, I had no idea if anyone in the world would read, or even find my blog! lol. I had a few recently email and ask how my health was because I had posted about depression and taking new meds. I thought that was very kind. You know if I don't hear from ya, I WILL email and ask... WHAT'S UP?

Misty Burns March 10, 2009 at 12:41 PM  

totally love the cat comic....story of my life!!!! :)

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