Fun, Fellowship, and Frivolity!
Finally I get to hear a voice, or put a face with a face? It's great! And what a great bunch of people! These people are my support, my sounding board, basically my family and friends! They are there for me, and I want to be there for them!
One of the most interesting parts of the walk was listening to this woman describe how beautiful it was downtown. I finally asked if they were from here. The woman exclaimed yes we are. At that point she introduced herself. What was so funny was, she was walking with her husband and I did not even recognize him. It was Dr. David Dyer and his wife Nina! What a lovely couple ! Dr. Dyer is the one who performed Beth's surgery! They are such a sweet couple. Dr. D and his wife both gave me some great words of encouragement, and told me he would see me on the 8th. Sometimes I consider Nashville to small!
Dr. David & Nina Dyer
No rain, a slight breeze, and to top it was not 100 degrees! YEAH! The walk was very easy and was for a good cause. This years focus is on childhood obesity. We all know what that is about.
Anyway, these are a few pics from the walk. If you would like to see more, you may go to the link below and enjoy!
"Walk for Obesity Pictures"
Have a great week!
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