Sunday, February 24, 2008

Childhood memories

As a child you remember certain things. Like the time we drove across country to New Mexico. I can remember sleeping in a tent on the side of the road. I can remember seeing a deer up-close on the edge of a ravine. And I can remember being big enough to borrow my father’s clothes. Yes, that’s right! There were times that I needed to dress up, and I did not have the right clothes. So I borrowed my father dress pants, shirt and tie. I even took his Sunday go to meeting shoes. Guess what? They fit!

Well the tides have turned! And my son is not happy! Beth purchased some pants and shirts for me for my birthday and Valentines Day. Now we had to wait until payday to get them out of law-a-way, buts that is OK!

When the clothes came home, I knew she had good intentions, but they were big on me! I suggested she take them back and get XL instead of 2XL. Wow, they fit! I can now wear clothes from the “REGULAR MENS DEPT”. That is a major deal in my book.

Now you may ask, “Why is RJ not happy?” You see, I have lost enough weight, that I can now wear some of his clothes! That’s right; the shirts he wears to school are XL. He has even given me a pair of Titans lounge pants, simply because they fit me! So, I can wear his clothes, and he got some really nice things last Christmas. I’ve got my eye on his Titans jersey!

To give RJ credit though, he is shrinking out of his clothes also. He had me put another hole in his belt just the other day. His waist has gone from a high of 42 inches to 36 inches. He’s doing well and I am proud!

Now, if I see him wearing Beth’s clothes, it’s time for a talk!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

2 Month Update

Well, yesterday was my 2 month surgervesary. What a ride it has been. I'm finally feeling normal again, which is a good thing.

People ask me all the time what kind of diet am I on? Or do I have to eat anything special? The answer is simple, I can eat the same things that you eat. Do I? Probably not. I try to stay away from sweets, or items with to many carbs. I will have the occasional sugar free treat, but only in moderation. Since surgery, I have had only a couple of pieces of bread. I usually try to stay with chicken or fish as a meat. Now this last weekend, we made a small pork roast ans made BBQ using KC Masterpiece low carb sauce. So, I can eat anything I want.

Energy wise, Superman is flying high! His cape is flapping in the breeze, along with the extra skin I have found. UGH! But that is a side effect I knew would happen. I have lost a total of 106 pounds since Feb of 2007, and 46 pounds since surgery. Not to shabby!

Well thats all folks! Have a great day!

Bad Day At Work!

It seems like we all have them! You know what I'm talking about, the day starts off bad and does nothing but get worse.

Last week I posted about work and fudge pie. Well, it seems yesterday we had an in service on autism, and how to work with nonverbal children. When we have these in services, the RIP sites we have throughout Tenn. attends. We usually have snacks and desserts for them. That's OK. The bad part came when a co-worker brought in a caramel cake. I looked at it, smelled it, and commented how good her cakes were. Her comment back was, "Oh No, none for you". That hurt, but I understood where she was coming from. Then she politely told me my cake was in the fridge!

Every year she makes me a Banana Split Cake, and when I looked in the fridge, there it was! This cake is special, only because this is what my mother made me every year for my birthday. When my co-worker found out, she started making it. Well, during the in service everyone ate, except me! I feel like I did pretty good. I did not even go in the room where the desserts were. After the in service, I asked how if everyone liked the Banana Split Cake, she said, "Oh, that cake never made it out, and since that was made for your birthday, we can have it tomorrow during planning meeting". I politely asked if it had sugar in it? The answer was no!

So, now I have to endure this all over again! I have a favor to ask, please keep me in your prayers today. I would hate for my friends to pick up the paper in the morning and read the morning headlines!

"RNY Patient Snaps"
"Womans Dies From Inhalation Of Bananas"

Have a good day! I'm gonna do my best!
As a post script, the day turned out OK. The cake was ate, yes I wanted some, but I also knew better. I guess the big thing that came out of this was how I feel about food! Especially food that brings back good memories from my childhood. Deep down I know that my co-worker had nothing but the best intentions! I really need to thank her, simply because she is very sweet and it is the thought that counts.

Everyday I learn something new about how I feel! That's a good thing, it only means that I am getting better!

Once again, have a good day!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Bariatric Iron Chef Throw Down !!!

Well, we had our Lunch Bunch get together for February yesterday. I think this one should be called “Bobby Flay’s Throw Down” meets “The Bariatric Iron Chef”. What a spread! Great food was the on the agenda, along with fellowship, the clothing exchange, make up swap, and the occasional computer tutorial.

Melinda and Tim brought their laptop and through the miracle of wireless internet, we were able to help several people update their avatars and weight loss tickers. We even had an informal question and answer forum on how to do things with your computer.

Several people contributed with different items. We had shrimp ( a great source of protein). Although we had one person on pureed food, she refused the opportunity to try pureed shrimp! I just don’t understand! A couple of people brought different protein drinks to sample, as well as protein bars. I think I did find a new crunchy food yesterday. Gen Soy Crisp in the Parmesan/Garlic flavor…Yummo, but only in moderation! And of course a big THANK YOU to the group that brought plates, tea, ice, and eating utensils. I just don’t think this would have been a success if we had to eat with our hands or slurp our tea!

It was nice seeing old friends as well as new ones. We had a couple who drove in from Clarksville, and another who came in on Friday from Sevierville. Wow, we are really expanding and that’s great!

My son R.J. and Shelia’s son Dale both love the Lunch Bunch! I think one of the biggest thrills, for the boys, and some of the adults, was playing football in the back lot! I was just glad that I could keep up with them for once!

I really think we had a great time, and several people asked if we would do this again! Most definitely was the answer.

Below you will find links to the recipes we tried. The recipes will be stored on my food blog.

Hope you enjoy!

Shelley’s Mexican Lasagna (Beth & Scott)

Chicken Cordon Bleu (Beth & Scott)

Mexican Chicken Kiev (Beth & Scott)

Butternut Squash & Onions (Beth & Scott)

Linda’s Cottage Cheese Crepes (Freddie S.)

Chili Relleno Puff (Freddie S.)

Peanut butter Cookie Bites (Cheryl & Phil)

Easy Chicken Chili (Cheryl & Phil)

Banana cream Pie with Oatmeal Coconut Crust (Melissa M.)

Peanut Butter Pie (Melinda R.)

Chicken Fajita Soup (Shelia B.)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Poor choices and stress!

Hey guys!

The last 2 weeks have not been the best since surgery. I feel fine, my body is healing properly, and the energy level is back to normal. In fact, I feel just as I did before surgery, maybe even a little better.

What's the problem you ask? Well, I feel so much like I did before surgery, that I am making some the same bad choices food wise. We are still eating healthy meals, at least a lot healthier than we did before surgery. The problem lies with sugar free treats. I know, I know, I have said the same thing you are thinking..."Sugar free, that's gotta be better...right?" WRONG!!!! At least for me it's wrong. My friend Melinda posted her feelings the other day on sugar free treats and it made a lot of sense! I know what is happening. Sugar free treats have become a comfort food. Before surgery it was ice cream and hot fudge sauce, last night it was Murray’s Sugar Free Shortbread Cookies. I feel better when I eat something like that. The problem lies with the ability to moderate these choices...I have none!

These last 2 weeks there has been a lot of stress in my daily walk. Money seems to be the biggest stress-or. But other things are there too. I should start my part time job this next week, and I'm looking forward to it. The stress comes from the fact that Beth will be with RJ in the mornings. They have a very unique relationship. RJ knows exactly what buttons to push in order to get his way. For me, I don't want Beth to have to deal with that right now. She is working at a job that she loves and does not need that extra stress. But what can I do? I have spoken to RJ, and we have set a plan in place that provides positive reinforcement when RJ is cooperative. All I can do is pray that this works!

So, what can I do for my other situation? You know the comfort food issue. I have an idea of what I can do…the only sugar free treat in my house will be…sugar free jello! I can only tolerate a little of this at one time. So, this way I can have a sweet treat and still work my tool correctly. I think I will also attend the lunch time counseling sessions my Dr.’s office provides. That just might help me get to the bottom of the problem!

By the way, these last 2 weeks, I have not lost any weight, that is another stress-or. I am still at 264 lbs., I only have 2 pounds till I reach that 100 pound lost mark! But on the other hand, I have not gained any either! I realize I am only 7 weeks out, and my body is still trying to hold on to every ounce it can, but this is frustrating to say the least.

Sorry about the long vent. I feel a little better just getting this off my chest! Have a great day, I think mine just got better! Thanks!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Feb Lunch Bunch Directions

View Larger Map

For directions from your house to the church, please click where it says, "To here". This will bring up a box where you may place the address you are coming from. Once you have entered you address, just click "Go". A new window will open up that will give you a map and directions.

If you need any further information, please contact me at :

Have fun!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Computer Tutorials for WLS Patients

Creating Avatars: From Beginning To End !

Creating and Installing a Ticker Factory Weight Loss Ticker

Posting Photos Within Your Post


Just click on the links above to be taken to the tutorials. Notice the picture below. See the red circle in the lower right hand corner. When you arrive at the presentation, locate that button and click on it. This will create a full screen version of the tutorial.

Have fun! If you have any questions, please let me know.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Running In Circles!

Morning all! I guess it’s been a while since I really posted an update? Things have been crazy around here lately. I have had to pick up a 2nd job just to make things come closer together. Right now I am not worried about making ends meet, just decreasing the space between! I am still working at RIP, but now I will be pulling contractors orders at Home Depot from 4: AM to 8:00 AM on Mon-Fri. The amazing thing is God saw the need for the weekends to be free, and He provided! So, this ole boy is not gonna complain!

A couple of friends of mine posted about their hectic lifestyle also. I guess it kinda brought things into perspective…It’s not only me that’s running around in circles, it’s the world! Bronie has requested a do-over for the month of January! If she finds one, maybe she’ll share where she got it. Kirsten stated the she is so far behind she thought she was in first! I think she is a little a head of me, simply because she just lapped me!

Oh well, at least I don’t feel like I’m alone anymore!

Everything is going well around the O’Neal homestead. Beth is now a full time employee of Robertson County Schools. That really helps out. I haven’t lost any weight in the last coup-le of weeks. This is what we call a stall. And for years I thought a stall was when an airplane engine stopped in mid air, or when a car ceased to move on the interstate. But I am in a stall. So, I have not lost any weight lately, but I have lost inches. I have gone from a size 52 pant to a 44. I think that’s progress. RJ is doing well in school, because of job constraints and finances; he will not be playing baseball this season. But, he has a personal trainer who is working with daily at the YMCA. Thank God for grandfathers!

Well, it’s time to get back to work! I have 7 PowerPoint presentations I need to finish by next Saturday! If you pass by someone stalled on the interstate, don’t worry! It’s probably just me taking a quick catnap!

Have a great day!

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