Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Poor choices and stress!

Hey guys!

The last 2 weeks have not been the best since surgery. I feel fine, my body is healing properly, and the energy level is back to normal. In fact, I feel just as I did before surgery, maybe even a little better.

What's the problem you ask? Well, I feel so much like I did before surgery, that I am making some the same bad choices food wise. We are still eating healthy meals, at least a lot healthier than we did before surgery. The problem lies with sugar free treats. I know, I know, I have said the same thing you are thinking..."Sugar free, that's gotta be better...right?" WRONG!!!! At least for me it's wrong. My friend Melinda posted her feelings the other day on sugar free treats and it made a lot of sense! I know what is happening. Sugar free treats have become a comfort food. Before surgery it was ice cream and hot fudge sauce, last night it was Murray’s Sugar Free Shortbread Cookies. I feel better when I eat something like that. The problem lies with the ability to moderate these choices...I have none!

These last 2 weeks there has been a lot of stress in my daily walk. Money seems to be the biggest stress-or. But other things are there too. I should start my part time job this next week, and I'm looking forward to it. The stress comes from the fact that Beth will be with RJ in the mornings. They have a very unique relationship. RJ knows exactly what buttons to push in order to get his way. For me, I don't want Beth to have to deal with that right now. She is working at a job that she loves and does not need that extra stress. But what can I do? I have spoken to RJ, and we have set a plan in place that provides positive reinforcement when RJ is cooperative. All I can do is pray that this works!

So, what can I do for my other situation? You know the comfort food issue. I have an idea of what I can do…the only sugar free treat in my house will be…sugar free jello! I can only tolerate a little of this at one time. So, this way I can have a sweet treat and still work my tool correctly. I think I will also attend the lunch time counseling sessions my Dr.’s office provides. That just might help me get to the bottom of the problem!

By the way, these last 2 weeks, I have not lost any weight, that is another stress-or. I am still at 264 lbs., I only have 2 pounds till I reach that 100 pound lost mark! But on the other hand, I have not gained any either! I realize I am only 7 weeks out, and my body is still trying to hold on to every ounce it can, but this is frustrating to say the least.

Sorry about the long vent. I feel a little better just getting this off my chest! Have a great day, I think mine just got better! Thanks!


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