Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm scared...there, I said it!

How do you describe fear? Is it that empty feeling you have in your stomach, or is that the liquid diet having its effects on me? I don’t know. Because right now…I finally can say I’m scared. I’m like most human beings; I’m scared of the unknown.

My surgery is less than 24 hours away, and I am a little perplexed. You see I’ve done all my research. I believe I have educated myself on the rearranging of my innards. I know what is involved, how I will need to eat afterward. I completely understand the dynamics of all this surgery encompasses. But I am still scared!

It’s the “what ifs” that frighten me! You understand? It’s the unknowns that are waiting for us. Those nice little “gotchas” that reach around the corner to grab at your mind and soul when you least expect it. It seems like a lot of people I’ve talked to have felt the same way about this surgery, or any surgery for that matter. So, I know I am not alone in this thought. Does that make me any less frightened? No! I guess what it really makes me is……human.

My surgery is less than 24 hours away, and I am a little…ready! You see I have placed those “what ifs”, the “gotchas” and all those little things (and they are little in the scheme of things), in Gods hands. I serve an amazing God. A God who delivers. A God who is all reaching, compassionate, all knowing! Those unknowns might be unknown to us, but to Him, not a problem!

So friends, this will probably be my last entry for a little while. I promise, soon as I return from the hospital, I will blog and let you know how I am. You are all special to me. I am indeed blessed to have you in my life!

Have a good, God filled day!


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